Pima County DOT needed to re-construct the failing subgrade on a mile section of County Road. It was planned to replace the Native Soil subgrade with imported ABC. The new material was to be placed at a six (6) inch depth to handle the ADT of 1100. EarthCare Consultants recommended stabilizing the Native Subgrade with Soil~Sement. |
County Engineers worked with Earthcare to develop specifications for this project. Specifications were completed, and the project was started by pulverizing the existing chip-seal. The Soil~Sement was blade mixed into the soil and pulverized chips to a six (6) inch depth. After compaction the finished surface receive final top coats of Soil~Sement. |
The Soil~Sement treated Subgrade received a two-shot chipseal two days after the stabilization process. CRS-2P was used as the binder. The road was then opened to traffic the following day. After the excess chips were swept of the road, it was striped. |
The completed project has provided a stable, maintenance free, road. The area received record rains during the year following the stabilization project. The County DOT field personnel report no degradation of the road or subgrade three years since the project was completed. This Soil~Sement Stabilization project has not only proven to be completely effective, it also saved the agency in excess of $40,000.00 by eliminating the import and placement of ABC. Soil~Sement provides cost effective subgrade stabilization on most native soils and eliminates importing expense subgrade materials. |